Contact Swish

hot air balloon in the clouds clouds

Please read below to find out the best way to contact us

Please call the booking line 0300 1245 010 if:

  • You need Emergency Contraception (if you are under 25 many of the local pharmacies offer free Emergency Contraception. To find out where they are click here)
  • You need Post Exposure Prophylaxis for Sexual Exposure to HIV (PEPSE)
  • You have been sexually assaulted
  • You have symptoms of a sexual health infection such as pain, discharge, sores or lumps and bumps.
  • You have been told you are a contact of an STI
  • You are under 16 years of age
  • You have run out of contraception
  • You are having issues with your coil or implant

If you want an STI check-up and are aged 16yrs and over and have no symptoms you can order an STI testing kit to your home address please Click Here

Please use the Appointment Request button below if:

  • You are wanting to start a new form of contraception
  • You need a repeat supply of contraception
  • You are looking to change to a different method of contraception
  • You would like condoms or want to join the C-Card scheme

We aim to reply to your message within 48 hours (weekdays only).

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