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What is a caring relationship?

When two people feel good about themselves and each other. 

Good relationships include things like:
  • being good friends
  • freedom to do your own thing
  • time and space to see your friends
  • having your own interests
  • knowing your opinions are respected
  • listening to each other
  • having fun together
  • trusting each other
  • being able to disagree with each other
  • being able to go at your own pace and this includes sex
  • making decisions together
  • being able to talk about it when you have an argument
  • feeling safe
  • respecting the decision if either of you want to end the relationship
What is an uncaring relationship?
  • When one person dominates and controls the other.
  • Your partner gets angry when you talk to other people
  • Your partner is verbally aggressive or physically threatens you
  • Your partner calls you names, puts you down and makes you feel bad
  • Your partner uses force, threats, emotional blackmail or bargains to make you do things you don't want to do
  • Your partner threatens to harm any of your friends, family, pets or property
  • Your partner posts unpleasant or intimate details about you on the internet

Relationship abuse is not a one off event. It is a cycle and usually gets worse if nothing is done to stop it. It's not your fault. Abusers are responsible for their behaviour. If you are in an abusive relationship, the best thing for you to do is end it. This may be tough and you may need help

Where to go for help

If you are in immediate danger call the police on 999 - Is a national website with contact details for counsellors who can talk with you about any problem if you are 18 or younger. - Is a national website with lots of infomation and advise around relationships, consent and porn.

Call 0300 123 2930 for advice on Contraception, Sexual Health or Relationships.
Opening times are Monday - Friday 2pm-8pm, Saturday & Sunday 2pm-8pm

The phones are answered by professional advisers who are experienced in working with young people - they are friendly and helpful and will not ask who you are - you don't have to give your name and address.

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