Help if you have been sexually assaulted

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Help if you have been sexually assaulted

Sexual Abuse  

You can report the assault to the police straight away, or attend an Accident and Emergency department if you need medical help. 

Dial 999 if the incident has just taken place, or if you are in immediate danger. Alternatively, call your local police on 101, or go to your nearest police station. 

However, you don’t have to report the assault to police if you don’t want to. 

Other help and support 

The Bridge Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) provides medical, practical and emotional support.  The Centre perform forensic examinations (see below). An examination can be arranged if the assault was within the last seven days – or longer if you have visible injuries, e.g. bruising. 

A forensic examination can help to provide evidence against the person who assaulted you. If you are unsure about whether or not you want to report the assault to the police at this time, there are different options you can consider. For example, the forensic evidence can be collected and stored by the SARC to give you more time to decide. 

You do not have to report to the police if you attend the SARC. It is your choice. Specially trained staff at the SARC can give you further information to help you to decide. They will support you whatever you decide. 

You can call The Bridge 24-hour phone line on 0117 342 6999 and their website is

Being seen in SWISH following a sexual assault

You can attend SWISH following a sexual assault for sexual health screening and other services whether you are referring yourself or referred by a SARC like The Bridge

We are a confidential service,

Testing – we usually take tests called baseline and then offer again out of window period (When infection will show)

On most occasions this can be done without an examination, if you have no symptoms, and is a quick and easy process.

We recommend testing at 2 weeks after a risk for bacterial infections such as chlamydia or gonorrhea , and a blood test at 3 months for blood borne viruses.

Testing can give peace of mind after an assault and help you to take back control.

We can provide

When you are initially seen a plan will be made to repeat tests and complete vaccinations if chosen

Somerset & Avon Rape & Sexual Abuse Support 

SARSAS provide support to people who have experienced rape or any kind of sexual assault or abuse at any time in their lives. 

They offer a help line

  • for women and girls - 0808 801 0456 Monday & Friday 11am - 2pm; Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 6pm - 8:30pm 
  • for men and boys - 0808 801 0464 Monday 11am - 2pm; Tuesday 6pm - 8:30pm  

Their website is  or Tel. 01823 324 944 

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