Sex Industry

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Sex Workers Service

We recognise that if you are working in the sex industry you may be worried about you sexual health or worry about judgement when visiting a service. We pride ourselves at Swish in offering a confidential and  non-judgemental service, and we work to a model of harm reduction and human rights. 

Sex workers - The exchange of sexual services for money is legal in the UK (apart from in Northern Ireland where it's illegal to pay for sex).

But, these related activities are illegal under the Sexual Offences Act 2003:

  • soliciting (trying to get clients) on the street or other public place, including someone in a vehicle
  • paying for the services of a sex worker who's forced or threatened into it
  • owning or managing a brothel (any premises which is used by more than one person for sex work)
  • pimping (someone who has control over sex workers and the money they earn)
  • advertising sexual services, including putting cards in phone boxes

If you're a sex worker you may be the target of rape, physical and sexual abuse and robbery as offenders (often pimps or clients) think you won't report the crime.

But, if you say 'no,' it means no – it doesn’t matter if you're a sex worker or not. You have the same right over your body as anyone else and the same right to give or withhold consent as anyone else.

There is support and advice available:

  • A UK-wide charity working with sex workers to do research, design and deliver safety tools and provide support services to people in adult industries. NUM
  • UK charity that works with women involved in the UK sex industry and have experienced coercion, exploitation and abuse. Beyond the Streets
  • Another useful site to give advice on keeping safe is Safety Tips
  • There's also the risk of images or videos of you being used without your consent. This is illegal, contact the Revenge Porn Helpline if this has happened to you.

It would be very important for the person involved in sex working to have a good safety plan. Things to consider:

  • Using contraception for those who need it. SWISH offer all methods free and can talk through them so you can make an informed choice for you.
  • Having supply of condoms or internal condoms. SWISH offer free condoms and lube. 
  • Seeking support from our sexual health clinic (SWISH) We can offer free regular testing, we can also discuss prevention through vaccinations and PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) a tablet that when used as prescribed can prevent you getting HIV.
  • Having a clear action plan if they feel at risk from a client (leaving the house? calling for help? someone checking on them at agreed times?).
  • Reporting abuse to the police (they can do it anonymously). How to report |
  • Reaching out to The Bridge - Help after rape and sexual assault if they are raped or sexually assaulted.


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